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Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of Rojava

corteo_curdi_15_sito.jpg Kurdish woman缩略图Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of RojavaKurdish woman缩略图Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of RojavaKurdish woman缩略图Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of RojavaKurdish woman缩略图Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of RojavaKurdish woman缩略图Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of RojavaKurdish woman缩略图Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of RojavaKurdish woman缩略图Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of Rojava

Everybody at the square against Turkish invasion of Rojava
Demonstration organized by Io sto con chi combatte l'ISIS - forza YPG e YPJ

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