
General italian strike by SICobas, SlaiCobas, and Fighting Workers group.
Demonstration in Turin supported also by students.
Protest against Ministry of Education, Confindustria and Prefettura.
Non EU workers want residency permit without actual difficulties
- Ouzhpennet d'an
- ar Gwener 29 a viz Genver 2021
- Merkerioù
- color, reportage, trade union
- Gweladennoù
- 1849
- Location
- Gwellet war OpenStreetMapLeaflet Lugant graet gant xbgmsharp Tiles Courtesy of OSM.org (CC BY-SA) © Kenlabourerien OpenStreetMap, (ODbL)
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- Reiñ un notenn d'al luc'hskeudenn-se