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Risorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 2

Risorgimento Luci Artista 2.jpg S. Agnese churchVirschäibillerRisorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1S. Agnese churchVirschäibillerRisorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1S. Agnese churchVirschäibillerRisorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1S. Agnese churchVirschäibillerRisorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1S. Agnese churchVirschäibillerRisorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1S. Agnese churchVirschäibillerRisorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1S. Agnese churchVirschäibillerRisorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1

Luci d'Artista (Artist's Lights)
Illuminated Benches by Jeppe Hein in Risorgimento place

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