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Főoldal / Albumok Turinx + New Year's Eve 2016-2017x + Street musicx /

Autumn in Turin

monte_cappuccini_2.jpg Corso Moncalieri, view from Umberto I bridgeBélyegképekPolytechnic of Turin department of ArchitectureCorso Moncalieri, view from Umberto I bridgeBélyegképekPolytechnic of Turin department of ArchitectureCorso Moncalieri, view from Umberto I bridgeBélyegképekPolytechnic of Turin department of ArchitectureCorso Moncalieri, view from Umberto I bridgeBélyegképekPolytechnic of Turin department of ArchitectureCorso Moncalieri, view from Umberto I bridgeBélyegképekPolytechnic of Turin department of ArchitectureCorso Moncalieri, view from Umberto I bridgeBélyegképekPolytechnic of Turin department of ArchitectureCorso Moncalieri, view from Umberto I bridgeBélyegképekPolytechnic of Turin department of Architecture
color, Turin
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