Hasiera / Albumak Color
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6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 1

Luci d'Artista (Artist's Lights)
"Giardino Barocco Verticale" (Vertical Baroque Garden) by Richi Ferrero in building yard
- Argitaratuta
- Igandea 22 Azaroa 2020
- Etiketak
- art, color, Luci d'Artista 2020, Turin, urban
- Bisitak
- 9852
- Location
- Visualizza in OpenStreetMapLeaflet Plugin by xbgmsharp Tiles Courtesy of OSM.org (CC BY-SA) © OpenStreetMap collaboratori, (ODbL)
- Kalifikazioa
- baloratu gabe
- Balioestea