Fabrizio Maffioletti photo gallery

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Нүүр хуудас / Цомог Colorx + Turinx + New Year's Eve 2016-2017x + SICobas General Strike Demonstration in Turin Jan 29 2021 x /

6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 1

Alfieri 6 Luci Artista 1.jpg Risorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1Дүрс зураг6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 2Risorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1Дүрс зураг6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 2Risorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1Дүрс зураг6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 2Risorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1Дүрс зураг6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 2Risorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1Дүрс зураг6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 2Risorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1Дүрс зураг6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 2Risorgimento place with "Illuminated Benches" 1Дүрс зураг6 Alfieri street with "Vertical Baroque Garden" 2

Luci d'Artista (Artist's Lights)
"Giardino Barocco Verticale" (Vertical Baroque Garden) by Richi Ferrero in building yard

Нийтэлсэн огноо
Ням 22 11-р сар 2020
Түлхүүр үгс
art, color, Luci d'Artista 2020, Turin, urban
Visualizza in OpenStreetMap
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