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Почетна / Категорије Turinx + Colorx + Street musicx /

Palazzo di Città place with the "Flying Carpet"

Palazzo di Città Luci Artista.jpg "Carlina" place with "Kingdom of flowers: cosmic nest of all souls" 2СличицеCity Hall of Turin with the "Flying Carpet""Carlina" place with "Kingdom of flowers: cosmic nest of all souls" 2СличицеCity Hall of Turin with the "Flying Carpet""Carlina" place with "Kingdom of flowers: cosmic nest of all souls" 2СличицеCity Hall of Turin with the "Flying Carpet""Carlina" place with "Kingdom of flowers: cosmic nest of all souls" 2СличицеCity Hall of Turin with the "Flying Carpet""Carlina" place with "Kingdom of flowers: cosmic nest of all souls" 2СличицеCity Hall of Turin with the "Flying Carpet""Carlina" place with "Kingdom of flowers: cosmic nest of all souls" 2СличицеCity Hall of Turin with the "Flying Carpet""Carlina" place with "Kingdom of flowers: cosmic nest of all souls" 2СличицеCity Hall of Turin with the "Flying Carpet"

Luci d'Artista (Artist's Lights)
Palazzo di Città place decorated with the "Tappeto volante" (flying carpet) by Daniel Buren

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Среда 18 Новембар 2020
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