Fabrizio Maffioletti photo gallery

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Αρχική / Λευκώματα Turinx + Street Photosx + Splashx + All photosx /

City Hall of Turin with the "Flying Carpet"

Comune Luci Artista.jpg Palazzo di Città place with the "Flying Carpet"ΜικρογραφίεςPoPalazzo di Città place with the "Flying Carpet"ΜικρογραφίεςPoPalazzo di Città place with the "Flying Carpet"ΜικρογραφίεςPoPalazzo di Città place with the "Flying Carpet"ΜικρογραφίεςPoPalazzo di Città place with the "Flying Carpet"ΜικρογραφίεςPoPalazzo di Città place with the "Flying Carpet"ΜικρογραφίεςPoPalazzo di Città place with the "Flying Carpet"ΜικρογραφίεςPo

Luci d'Artista (Artist's Lights)
Palazzo di Città place decorated with the "Tappeto volante" (flying carpet) by Daniel Buren

Αναρτήθηκε στις
Τετάρτη 18 Νοέμβριος 2020
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